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According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 3% of teens aged 13-18 will develop an eating disorder, with the average age of onset typically being 18 years-old. Teens are at a stage in life where they are becoming more aware of their thoughts and feelings, especially in relation to others. Physically, teens are &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>


Has there ever been a point in your life where you felt like things with school or work were overwhelming? Or a time when you felt like many people in your inner circle wanted or needed something from you that you couldn’t give? If so, it is possible that you were being pulled in many &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>


It can feel like a daunting task when one is attempting to find a therapist. Oftentimes, people might feel like they are unsure of where to begin or even how to move forward with this process. Additionally, it might even seem overwhelming to figure out who might be a good fit for you (based on &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>


You’ve heard it said, “music is universal!” Music is almost always a theme in any activity that we, as humans, engage in. From celebrations to funerals, in group settings or even just alone in the shower, we revel in it. It speaks to us on a soul-level. We identify with it, and it can even &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>


While you’ve likely looked forward to retirement for most of your life, it can also bring a lot of change, and even some challenges. You might find yourself feeling lonely, or even depressed as your life changes, and it can be helpful to meet with a mental health counselor. Here are a few of the &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>


If you or a family member are struggling with a mental health issue, you’ve probably wondered what changes you can make to get feeling better. Mental health difficulties can’t be treated with a one-size-fits-all solution since they vary and differ for every person. But here are a few approaches that can help you to improve &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>


Have you ever felt trapped, lost, or hopeless because of the state of your mental health? Often a mental health crisis isn’t something that you can choose to automatically solve or heal by yourself, and you may need help from a counselor. Here are a few reasons why you should consider meeting with a mental &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>


Is your teen experiencing some mental health challenges that you’re having a hard time understanding? This can be a difficult parenting issue if you’ve never struggled with mental health yourself. Here are a few approaches that will help you to better understand your teen’s mental health challenges. The Real Nature of Mental Health Challenges First, &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>


Have you ever had unexplained, distressing symptoms after a traumatic experience? If so, chances are you are suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms after experiencing emotional or physical trauma. Here are a few signs to help you recognize symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress from trauma.  Vivid Flashbacks and Thoughts First, you &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>

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